We Are Here For You.

Oasis counselling center is based in  Kuala Lumpur and we’re here to guide you towards greater well-being and to journey with you. No Stigma, just pure research based methods to help you achieve your freedom.

About Us

Who we are?

Mental health is an important part in our physical health, personal well-being and our quality of life. Statistics have shown that one in every three Malaysians suffer with some kind of mental health issue and it continues to grow in numbers every second. 

Oasis counselling is a community based counselling center where we provide affordable professional counselling services which is highly ethical and accessible for the community.

Our Services


Discover, understand and help you manage your emotions, issues through effective counselling methods.


Gain understanding and perspective in a relationship. Helping you and your partner improve.

Online Therapy

Peer to peer support systems by exploring potential, abilities and goals.

Our Approach and Values

Oasis provides a supportive and safe environment for anyone who needs a listening ear. We provide individual, couple and family counseling.